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Open Tryouts

We are holding open try outs for skaters with prior roller derby experience on April 15th from 7PM to 9PM at Everett Arena. If you are interested in skating but have no experience, stay tuned for announcements on our next rookie skater camp.

Kiwanis Fair Scrimmage

To kick off the season we are having a Scrimmage during the annual Kiwanis Fair at the Everett Arena. The action begins at 3:30 PM!


In addition to our Kiwanis scrimmage, there are three bouts scheduled for the season.


June 8th - Away Bout vs Shoreline Roller Derby

UCONN Avery Point Athletic Center First Whistle 6 PM

June 29th - Home Bout vs Monadnock Roller Derby

Everett Arena First Whistle 6:30PM

July 20th - Home Bout vs Connecticut Roller Derby

Everett Arena First Whistle 6:30PM


We are hosting a trivia night at Litherman's on January 3rd from 6pm-8pm. This is a great time to meet the team in a casual environment off skates and have all your burning questions answered, and of course answer some of our questions! This is a free event but a donation is encouraged to help support the league.


We currently hold two practices a week, our boot camp for new skaters runs on Wednesdays 7p-9p and practice for more experienced skaters is Mondays 7p-9p. We practice at the Concord YMCA and Everett Arena. Aside from Recruitment Nights, practices are not open to the public.

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